Generative AI Revolution: Transforming Advertising

Generative AI Revolution: Transforming Advertising

Welcome to the world of generative AI in advertising: a realm where creativity meets cutting-edge technology, promising to revolutionise how we craft and deliver our messages. Our recent webinar delved deep into this transformative technology, offering insights and practical examples on how generative AI can elevate your advertising game. Grab a cup, settle in, and let’s embark on this journey through the land of AI-driven advertising.

Understanding Generative AI in Advertising

Generative AI refers to artificial intelligence capable of creating new assets that closely mimic human creation. This includes text, images, audio, and video. Using advanced algorithms like generative adversarial networks (GANs) and transformer models such as GPT-4, generative AI can produce content that is often indistinguishable from that created by humans. Think of it as a tireless creative assistant, constantly generating fresh and innovative content specifically tailored for advertising needs​.

The Four Pillars of Generative AI in Advertising

Data accessibility and insights

Generative AI simplifies the process of accessing and analysing complex data sets. By quickly navigating and extracting insights, AI empowers advertisers to make informed decisions swiftly. This capability is crucial in today’s data-driven market, where understanding consumer behaviour and preferences can significantly enhance the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

For instance, AI tools can sift through massive amounts of data to uncover patterns and trends that human analysts might miss. This enables the creation of highly targeted ad campaigns that resonate with specific audience segments.

Conversational AI

Generative AI enhances online interactions, making them more natural and engaging. This improvement in customer experience can lead to better engagement and a broader audience reach. Conversational AI, through chatbots and virtual assistants, ensures that customer interactions are seamless and personalised, driving higher satisfaction and loyalty.

Imagine a chatbot that not only answers customer queries but also understands the context of their previous interactions, providing a more personalised experience. This level of sophistication can significantly enhance customer engagement and satisfaction​​.

Accelerated content creation

Generative AI accelerates content creation processes, whether it’s text, images, videos, or even music. This allows creative teams to focus more on strategic tasks, boosting overall productivity. For instance, AI can generate high-quality copy for ads at scale or social media posts, ensuring consistency in tone and style while saving valuable time.

In fact, as reported on ZDNET, generative AI can save marketers over five hours weekly – and you might be thinking: not such a big deal, but when you realise that’s the equivalent of over a month per year you’ll jump out of your chair. 

Adaptability and innovation

AI models can be integrated into existing platforms, keeping businesses at the forefront of innovation. This adaptability means that large AI models can enhance machine learning platforms, providing businesses with the tools to innovate continuously and stay ahead of the competition.

Generative AI’s adaptability also means it can be used to create customised solutions for specific marketing challenges. As reported on McKinsey, a European telecommunications company used generative AI (specifically: GPT-4 for copy and Dall-E for imagery) to create hyper-personalised messaging for 150 specific customer segments, which were then ported into the email service provider via API, resulting in a 40% lift in response rates and a 25% reduction in deployment costs​. Now, tell us that’s not bloody fantastic (and scary).

Real-World Applications of Generative AI in Advertising

Efficient Copy Generation

During the webinar, we demonstrated how our team integrates ChatGPT with Google Sheets to generate compelling ad copy with just a few clicks. This process not only speeds up the workflow but also ensures consistency across various pieces of content.

Imagine feeding a brief into ChatGPT and receiving multiple high-quality ad copies tailored to different audience segments. This efficiency allows marketing teams to spend more time strategising and less time writing. One of our retail clients used this integration to streamline their social media content creation, generating engaging posts in a fraction of the time it previously took.

Dynamic Concept Creation

Generative AI enables dynamic creation of brand assets. Using tools like MidJourney, creative teams can quickly generate custom images that adapt to different contexts without needing to overhaul the entire image. This capability allows for rapid testing and iteration, invaluable in fast-paced advertising environments.

For instance, we helped Bokio, a client with limited advertising materials, by leveraging MidJourney to expand their brand assets. This approach allowed us to create a broad range of distinctive materials, providing them with a wealth of content for future campaigns without significant resource investment.

Enhanced Translation Capabilities

For global campaigns, timely and accurate translations are crucial. Generative AI facilitates quick translations and adaptations for different platforms, ensuring that messages resonate with diverse audiences. This feature is particularly beneficial for businesses looking to scale their operations internationally.

During the webinar, we showed how selecting the desired language from a drop-down menu in our integrated system provides accurate translations in seconds. This capability was crucial for an international fashion brand we worked with, enabling them to localise their marketing materials across 10 different countries, significantly enhancing their global reach.

Analysing and Optimising Content

Generative AI tools like Google’s Gemini can analyse visual content, extracting detailed metadata such as objects, emotions, and context. This in-depth analysis provides a comprehensive understanding of visual elements, enabling advertisers to fine-tune their strategies. By associating these labels with ad performance, businesses can predict the success of their assets and make data-driven adjustments to maximise impact.

We used Gemini to help a global electronics brand understand which creative elements resonated most with their audience, leading to a 30% increase in engagement rates. This predictive capability allowed us to fine-tune our strategies and maximise the effectiveness of our campaigns.

The Broader Implications of Generative AI in Advertising

As eloquently stated during the webinar:

Netscape was to the Internet what ChatGPT is to Artificial Intelligence. The Internet existed before Netscape. But the browser helped millions of mere mortals connect the dots on what could be done, and dream of what could be. A.I. existed before ChatGPT. But…“.

Dharmesh Shah – Founder and CTO at HubSpot

This quote perfectly encapsulates the transformative impact generative AI has on the advertising landscape. We don’t want to spoil the profundity of this moment, so we’ll let you ponder it yourself. Goosebumps, right? We thought so.

Democratisation of AI

Generative AI has democratised technology, making it accessible to businesses of all sizes. No longer confined to tech giants, AI tools are now available to small and medium-sized enterprises, enabling them to compete on a more level playing field. This democratisation means that even small businesses can leverage the power of AI to create high-quality, personalised advertising campaigns without the need for extensive resources.

Productivity Boosts

AI significantly enhances productivity by automating mundane tasks. This boost allows creative and strategic teams to focus on highvalue activities, fostering innovation and efficiency. For example, AI can handle repetitive tasks like data entry and analysis, freeing up human employees to focus on more strategic and creative tasks.

AI-Generated Environments

We are entering an era where AIgenerated environments are becoming the norm. From search engines using AI to curate content to personalised marketing campaigns, the integration of AI is reshaping how we interact with digital spaces. Imagine a world where your digital assistant can remember every product you’ve shown interest in and suggest the best deals or alternatives based on your preferences. This level of personalisation can significantly enhance the user experience and drive higher conversion rates.

Rethinking Communication

With AI-generated content becoming ubiquitous, traditional communication methods are evolving. The efficiency and speed of AI in generating and summarising content mean that businesses can respond to market demands more swiftly and effectively. Generative AI can help businesses stay ahead of the curve by quickly adapting to new trends and customer preferences.

Future Trends and Predictions for Generative AI in Advertising

Increased Personalisation

AI will enable even more personalised advertising experiences, tailoring content to individual preferences and behaviours. This personalisation will drive higher engagement and conversion rates. As AI continues to evolve, it will become even better at understanding and predicting customer preferences, leading to more effective and personalised advertising campaigns.

Integration with Emerging Technologies

Generative AI will increasingly integrate with other emerging technologies, such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), creating immersive and interactive advertising experiences. Imagine a future where customers can virtually try on clothes or test out products in a simulated environment before making a purchase. This level of interactivity can significantly enhance the shopping experience and drive higher sales.

Ethical and Environmental Considerations

As AI becomes more prevalent, ethical considerations around data privacy and environmental impact will become more critical. Businesses will need to navigate these challenges responsibly to maintain consumer trust and sustainability. Companies will need to ensure that their use of AI is transparent and ethical, protecting customer data and minimising environmental impact.

Embracing the AI Revolution in Advertising

Generative AI in advertising is more than just a technological advancement; it’s a revolution that promises to reshape the advertising industry. By leveraging AI’s capabilities, businesses can create more effective, innovative, and personalised campaigns. The key lies in embracing this technology, continuously exploring its potential, and remaining adaptable in a rapidly changing landscape.

As we move forward, the challenge will be to harness AI’s power without losing the human touch that makes advertising truly impactful. It’s a balancing act, but one that holds immense potential for those willing to embrace the future.

Generative AI in Advertising Platforms

Generative AI in Advertising Platforms

Hello there, blog fam! Buckle up: today we’re deep diving into the mind-blowing world of generative AI in advertising platforms. If you think AI is just about robots taking over, think again: it’s all about giving us marketers superpowers (minus the capes, unfortunately). If you just can’t take our word for it, you got it 💃🕺🏻We decided to call in the cavalry and ask our CEO Gianluca Binelli to guide us all on this journey.

He’ll be sharing his insights on how this technology is revolutionising our industry, with a particular focus on advertising platforms. So, whether you’re sipping a double espresso (suggested) or a matcha smoothie (slightly less suggested, but accepted anyway), sit back, relax, and prepare for a dose of generative AI in advertising platforms wisdom that’s as refreshing as iced coffee. 

Q1: Hey Gianluca, thank you for your time today! Let’s dive right in. How are leading advertising platforms utilising generative AI to enhance their offerings? And by the way, if AI starts writing ads, does that mean we get to spend more time on coffee breaks? 

Gianluca: Thanks for having me! 

Leading advertising platforms like Google, Microsoft, and Meta are heavily investing in generative AI to revolutionise ad creation and optimisation. For instance, Google now provides headline and description copy suggestions, as well as image generation for Performance Max and Demand Gen campaigns. Microsoft, with its ChatGPT integration, offers Copilot, an AI assistant that generates copy and images. Meta has also embraced AI with features like AI-generated headlines, background generation, and image expansion to fit various aspect ratios across different platforms such as Feed and Reels. 

And, by the way, you’re free to spend as much time on coffee breaks as you need, when you need it 🙂 It shouldn’t take AI for that.

Q2: These tools sound incredibly powerful. Can you elaborate on the specific benefits these AI-driven solutions provide to advertisers? Also, do you think AI can come up with better headlines than my cat’s Instagram account?

Gianluca: That’s for sure.

One of the main benefits is the significant reduction in entry barriers for advertisers. Generative AI in advertising platforms democratises access to high-quality ad creation, allowing small and medium-sized businesses to compete more effectively. This is particularly impactful for those with limited resources or expertise. 

Moreover, for larger brands, these tools streamline the creative process, making it easier to produce and optimise ads at scale. This efficiency allows marketers to focus more on strategy and less on repetitive tasks.

Wait, does your cat really have an Instagram account?

Q3: She does indeed, but sorry, that’s private. Back to business: with these advancements, are there any challenges or potential downsides that generative AI in advertising platforms can bring? Should we prepare for a future where our AI overlords take over our marketing departments?

Gianluca: Absolutely, there are a few challenges. 

As the landscape becomes more accessible, it also gets more crowded, leading to higher ad fatigue and potentially lower CTRs and higher CPCs. Moreover, while AI tools are powerful, they’re not infallible. The quality of AI-generated content can vary, and human oversight is still crucial to ensure the ads align with brand values and strategic goals

It’s also worth noting that these tools are still in their infancy, particularly when it comes to image generation. While the copy generated by AI is generally reliable, images might not always meet the desired standards without human intervention. 

Q4: It’s clear that human oversight remains essential. How do you see the role of human marketers evolving in this AI-driven environment? Should we start calling ourselves ‘AI wranglers’?

Gianluca: You’re all free to be and call yourselves as you wish 🙂 but yes – human marketers will continue to play a critical role. 

AI can handle many tasks, but it lacks creativity, strategic insight, and the nuanced understanding of consumer behaviour that humans bring. Marketers will need to focus on overseeing generative AI outputs within the advertising platforms, providing creative direction, and staying updated with the latest AI capabilities. This will ensure they can effectively leverage these tools to enhance their campaigns while maintaining a unique and authentic brand voice, for instance.

Q5: Given the rapid evolution of generative AI, how are advertising platforms like Google and Bing balancing these advancements with their existing business models? Do you think Google’s AI will start recommending our mum’s lasagna recipe next?

Gianluca: Well, if we start a business on our mum’s lasagnas, Google will end up recommending it for its taste and also because we’re an advanced, data-driven and dangerous, performance marketing agency 🙂 Regarding the balancing act, it’s a complex one. 

Google, for instance, is introducing AI overviews in search results, which will change the look of the SERP. This involves matching ads not only to query context but also to the information in AI overviews. This shift could impact organic search strategies and how users interact with search results

Bing, on the other hand, integrates ChatGPT with its search engine, allowing ads to appear within AI-generated answers. While we don’t have extensive data on this yet, it’s an exciting development to watch.

Q6: Looking ahead, what do you see as the next big thing in generative AI in advertising platforms? Can we expect AI to start predicting the next big dance craze on TikTok?

Gianluca: I believe the next big advancements will be in scaling AI-driven creative solutions like virtual try-ons and 3D spin ads. These innovations, though already existing, have the potential to provide even more immersive ad experiences as they become more widespread, enhancing user engagement.

Additionally, AI’s role in measurement and analytics will grow, with more sophisticated models like Marketing Mix Modelling becoming mainstream. These models will help marketers better understand the impact of their campaigns across various channels, leading to more informed decision-making.

Q7: Speaking about measurement, it seems to be a big topic these days, especially with generative AI advancements. How are platforms addressing the challenges of measurement and attribution?

Gianluca: Great question! Measurement is indeed becoming more complex and crucial. Everyone is doubling down on incrementality and Marketing Mix Modelling as traditional attribution models face challenges. 

Meta has invested heavily in its proprietary solution, Robyn, while TikTok is developing in-house incrementality models. Google also has its own solution, Meridian. These models are statistically backed and external, which helps maintain objectivity. However, as platforms develop their own solutions, the question of trust arises.

While these proprietary models will be adopted, especially by those without access to other options, they may not dominate due to potential biases. Advertisers should stay informed and critically evaluate these tools to ensure they align with their measurement needs. 

They also may rely on and get in touch with a scientific, data-driven partner to run those models with no conflict of interest. That wasn’t a question. 

Q8: What advice would you give to advertisers looking to stay ahead in this AI-driven landscape? We dare you to make it as catchy as a slogan AI would generate 😏

Gianluca: Wow, that’s a lot of pressure. I’d say: stay informed and adaptable

The pace of generative AI in advertising platforms advancements is rapid, and keeping up with the latest developments is crucial. Embrace these technologies, but don’t rely on them entirely. Combine the power of AI with your unique human creativity and strategic thinking to achieve the best results. Remember, AI is a tool to enhance your capabilities, not replace them.

Bonus tip: Register for our upcoming ‘Generative AI in advertising’ webinar today!

Don’t miss this opportunity to stay ahead of the curve. Secure your spot in our 45-minute webinar and gain the knowledge you need to revolutionise your advertising strategies with Generative AI.


That’s all. 

Thanks, Gianluca!


The Future of Media Buying with Generative AI

The Future of Media Buying with Generative AI


Welcome back, digital enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving into the future of media buying with a spotlight on Generative AI. To shed light on this topic, we’ve roped in the ever-insightful Rhys Cater, our Group Solutions Officer for Data and Tech at the Precis Group, to which we proudly belong. 

Rhys Cater

Rhys is undoubtedly our go-to-person to understand the future of media buying with generative AI, so we couldn’t help but pick his brain about it. So, grab your cup (we suggest a piping hot, single espresso at the drop – but you do you), sit back, and enjoy this blend of insightful dialogue!

Q1: Rhys, let’s start with the basics. How is Generative AI different from other AI technologies we’ve seen so far?

Rhys: Since I’m talking with Italians, let’s go with a comparison that’s close to your heart and talk about coffee!

Generative AI is like that barista who knows exactly how you like your coffee, but instead of just serving you, it can also come up with new and exciting flavours you didn’t even know you wanted. Traditional AI and automation tools will mostly give you the answer that you asked for, and nothing more. Generative AI, on the other hand, creates new content – be it text, images, or even music – by learning from patterns and then innovating. It’s the difference between following a recipe and being a chef.

Q2: Fascinating! Coffee, recipes, chefs – you know who you’re dealing with, don’t you? 😏 (ed: he laughed). Back to business, how do you see Generative AI revolutionising media buying specifically?

Rhys: Picture this: a world where technology doesn’t just allow you to automate, but where it can truly augment human insight and creativity. In the media space where we deal with huge amounts of data, creative, and variables, the potential is big.

Generative AI can analyse vast amounts of data and generate media plans that are not only efficient but also tailored to specific industry or audience nuances. At Precis, we’ve integrated Generative AI into our tech platform (ed: it’s called Alvie, but this is another story for another time, hold your horses fam), which helps us with interactive data exploration and provides expert-level recommendations. This means our teams spend less time on mundane, repetitive tasks and more on strategic thinking and innovation​.

Q3: We’d like to ask you a bit more about that tech platform. Our readers might want to get the beans spilled, but we’ll keep it for another time (sorry, reader). What about the quality of AI-generated content? Can it really match human creativity?

Rhys: This is the million dollar question. Generative AI is a powerful tool, but like any tool, its effectiveness depends on how you use it. 

I can throw out some case studies, like a 50% increase in efficiency in our work in SEO for one client, but the reality is that human oversight is crucial and those efficiency gains are only valuable if we also maintain quality and innovation. AI can draft and create, but it’s our job to guide, refine and ensure the content aligns with our brand’s voice and strategy. Think of it as having an assistant who is excellent at brainstorming but who still needs your creative touch and mentorship to come up with a finished product.

Q4: Thanks for reassuring our copywriters Rhys, much appreciated. You made yourself a few allies at a stroke. So this opens up another question: there’s a lot of buzz about AI taking over jobs. What’s your take on this?

Rhys: The fear isn’t unfounded, but it’s also a bit exaggerated. 

AI, including Generative AI, is more about augmentation than replacement. It takes over repetitive, process-driven tasks, freeing up human talent for higher-value work. This shift allows our team members to focus on learning and career development. In essence, AI is transforming roles rather than eliminating them. McKinsey Digital shared insights on this topic in this recent article I recommend. TLDR: you still need human capabilities to outcompete in the age of digital and AI, it’s still early days and there’s so much to learn.

Q5: Thanks for the TLDR, Rhys! Now, moving on, what specific challenges should companies be aware of when integrating Generative AI?

Rhys: There are a lot of challenges for companies to navigate! But where there are many challenges, there are also opportunities. 

First off, quality control is paramount. AI can “hallucinate” and generate inaccurate outputs, so human supervision is a must. Secondly, legal concerns around copyright and data privacy can’t be ignored. Companies need to develop their own ethical guidelines and ensure all teams – from legal to marketing – are aligned. Lastly, fostering a culture that embraces change and innovation is crucial. Change can be daunting, but with the right vision and engagement, it can be an exciting journey​. With all of these ingredients in place, companies create the foundations for success and advantage with new tech.

Q6: Can you give us more specific examples of how Generative AI is being used nowadays in media buying and planning?

Rhys: Absolutely. We have so many already happening all across Precis and Booster Box!

In our creative team, we’re using Adobe Firefly and Midjourney to speed up the concepting and production processes. In optimisation, we’re using AI to generate faster insights about ad and creative performance. And in our operations, we’ve used AI to massively improve product feeds which boosts performance in a fraction of the time that it would take humans to do the same job. 

With Generative AI, the opportunity is huge and the only limit is your imagination. There’s no excuse not to find ways to innovate and improve the planning and buying process from end to end.

Q7: To conclude, an easy question: What does the future hold for Generative AI in media buying? (We know it’s everything but easy, but we’ve got a witty DNA. What jokers 🤡)

Rhys: The easy answer: the sky’s the limit! But more seriously, as the technology evolves, so will its applications, and it’s very difficult to see the future when we couldn’t even have imagined this level of sophistication just a couple of years ago.

My prediction is that we’ll see AI baked into more and more of the tools we use every day, from Google Ads through to creative production. This will have two effects: firstly, an explosion of new functionality and power within digital advertising platforms. Secondly: a paradigm shift in the skills that advertisers and agencies need to be successful. Knowledge is at less of a premium when every answer is just a prompt away, but the real value will come from companies and agencies who are able to think strategically and, most importantly, apply technology in an innovative and business-specific way to create impact!

Generative AI isn’t just a tool, it’s a catalyst for a more innovative, efficient, and creative future in media buying.

Q8: Surprise surprise, there’s one last question. If you had to pick a couple of key takeaways from your experience with media buying with generative AI, what would they be?


I’ve got a couple of high-level thoughts to share with you all on your first steps with media buying with Generative AI:

  1. It’s not the tech, it’s what you do with it that counts
    Technology itself isn’t the endgame. It’s about leveraging Generative AI to drive strategic outcomes. This means integrating AI in ways that enhance our workflows and align with our business goals.
  2. Find the low hanging fruit of workflows that can be faster and more efficient with GenAI
    Start by identifying simple, repetitive tasks that AI can handle. This frees up time for more strategic activities. Things will get complicated at a later stage, no need to anticipate it at the very beginning.

Thanks, Rhys!

There you have it, folks! A glimpse into the future of media buying with Generative AI, straight from the expert himself, Rhys Cater. As AI continues to evolve, so too will our strategies and capabilities. Stay tuned for more insights and keep innovating!

AI & ML in Advertising: Future Insights

AI & ML in Advertising: Future Insights

Survival of the Fittest: Evolution in the AI & ML Future

In the age of AI, the advertising world is witnessing a Darwinian shift. Survival of the fittest no longer means having the largest budget or the loudest voice; it’s about adaptability and the strategic use of technology. 

So the thing is: there’s no point in trying to flex the budget’s muscles in some kind of power struggle, as the fittest advertisers are those who understand that AI and ML are not just tools for efficiency but are also catalysts for innovation. They’re the ones who can blend data insights with creative brilliance to engage consumers in meaningful ways. 

As AI continues to evolve, agility becomes paramount. Advertisers must evolve their strategies, test new approaches, and learn quickly from the market’s feedback. The rapid pace of change in AI technology means that what works today might be obsolete tomorrow. 

The real winners in this landscape will be those who can anticipate changes, adapt strategies, and continue to deliver value to both their clients and their audience.

AI & ML: Not Just Tools but Game Changers

AI and ML are reshaping the very foundation of advertising, not just tweaking the edges. They enable a fundamental reimagining of how we approach marketing, offering a shift from gut-driven decisions to data-driven precision

These technologies are game changers because they allow for personalisation at scale, predictive analytics, and real-time optimisation – capabilities that were once in the realm of science fiction. They are redefining what it means to be competitive by setting new standards for customer engagement, campaign performance, and ROI. 

As we look to the future, we see that the true power of AI and ML lies not only in their current applications but also in their potential to unlock uncharted territories of creativity and efficiency. For advertisers, embracing AI and ML is not optional; it’s imperative for those who want to lead the pack in the next era of marketing.

Brace for Impact: Preparing for an AI & ML Dominated Future

As AI and ML technologies continue to advance, preparing for a future where tech dominates is crucial. This isn’t about fearing the machines; it’s about leveraging them to your advantage. Advertisers must become comfortable with the idea that AI can provide insights and execute tasks at a speed and scale that humans simply cannot match. 

The key is to integrate these technologies into the fabric of advertising strategies, ensuring that teams are upskilled and processes are redesigned to complement the strengths of AI. It’s about creating a symbiotic relationship where technology handles data and analysis, while humans focus on strategy and creative interpretation.

Preparing for this tech-dominated future means embracing change, fostering innovation, and remaining flexible. Advertisers need to be ready to adapt to new tools and trends, future-proofing their strategies to stay relevant in the fast-evolving landscape of digital marketing.

Role of Leadership in this Brave New World

Spearheading Change: The Responsibility of Today’s Leadership

Leaders in today’s marketing landscape bear the crucial responsibility of spearheading change. As the front-runners in a rapidly evolving field, they must navigate their teams through the complexities of AI and ML integration. 

This entails not only a deep understanding of these technologies but also the vision to see how they can redefine customer engagement and campaign effectiveness. True leadership means fostering a culture of innovation where team members are encouraged to experiment and learn. 

It’s about building resilience within organisations to adapt to technological shifts. Moreover, leaders must ensure that ethical considerations keep pace with technological advancements, setting standards for transparency and data privacy. By championing a collaborative approach where tech experts and creative minds work together, leaders can drive the advertising industry toward a future that’s not just more advanced, but also more human-centric and value-driven.

The Right Mindset: Embracing Disruption as Growth

In the face of AI and ML disruptions, the right mindset for leaders is to view these changes as opportunities for growth. Embracing disruption isn’t just about staying current – it’s about pushing boundaries and redefining what’s possible. Leaders must instil a culture where disruption is synonymous with innovation, where the status quo is continuously challenged, and where creative thinking is the norm. 

This mindset facilitates a proactive approach to technology, allowing teams to leverage new tools for competitive advantage. It’s about inspiring a forward-thinking attitude, where failure is not feared but seen as a stepping stone to success. 

By encouraging teams to experiment and take calculated risks, leaders can foster an environment where embracing disruption leads to discovering new markets, creating more engaging content, and delivering exceptional customer experiences. This growth-centric approach is what will differentiate the leaders of tomorrow in the AI-enhanced advertising landscape.

Leading the AI & ML Future Conversation in Advertising

Leadership in the age of AI and ML involves driving the conversation around how these technologies will shape the future of advertising. It’s about being an active voice in the discourse, setting the agenda for how AI can be used ethically and effectively. 

Leaders must champion discussions on best practices, share insights on emerging trends, and encourage dialogue about the long-term impact of AI on the industry. It’s not just about internal strategy but also about influencing the broader advertising community, from policy-makers to the public. 

By leading these conversations, leaders can ensure that the industry advances in a way that maximises the benefits of AI and ML while mitigating potential risks. This thought leadership is essential for establishing standards that will guide the responsible use of technology, ensuring that the advertising industry remains both innovative and trusted by the consumers it serves.

Disruptive Powers Of AI & ML In Advertising

Disruptive Powers Of AI & ML In Advertising

As AI and ML continue to advance in the realm of advertising, algorithms are reshaping the competitive landscape, leading to a scenario where the words of Syndrome from “The Incredibles” ring true: “when everyone’s super, no one will be“. 

Much like superheroes with equal powers lose their uniqueness, the proliferation of AI and ML tools in advertising is causing a levelling down in the competition, blurring the lines between great advertisers and the rest. In this narrative we’ll explore how the rise of AI and ML disrupts the traditional advertising dynamics and challenges the notion of greatness in the industry.

The Power of AI & ML in Advertising

How AI and ML are Shaking Up the Advertising Industry

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are not just buzzwords – they’re revolutionising the advertising game. By analysing vast amounts of data, algorithms can now predict consumer behaviour with uncanny accuracy. This means ads are more targeted than ever, reaching the right eyes at the right time. It’s like having a crystal ball that tells you exactly who wants to buy your product, sometimes even before the potential customer knows it themselves. 

But it’s not just about precision: AI and ML are also making advertising more efficient. They’re automating the grunt work, from bid adjustments to A/B testing, freeing up humans to tackle more creative aspects. The result? A shift in how campaigns are run, who runs them, and the level of success they can achieve. Needless to say, those who master these tools are the new titans of the industry.

Syndrome’s Prediction

Remember what Syndrome in “The Incredibles” said? That’s a bit what it feels like in advertising today. With AI and ML democratising the ability to craft hyper-targeted, efficient advertising campaigns, the edge that once came from proprietary insights or hefty ad budgets is eroding. 

This is great for competition, but it also means that standing out in the market is tougher than ever. It’s not enough to just use AI and ML, you have to use them smarter, better, and more creatively. The key to being “super” in this new age isn’t just about having the powers – it’s about how you use them.

Levelling the Playing Field

The thing about algorithms is they don’t care who you are – a giant corporation or a small indie brand, they work the same. This neutrality is what’s levelling the advertising playing field. With AI and ML, small businesses can access the same sophisticated targeting and optimisation capabilities that were once the exclusive domain of companies with deep pockets. 

Algorithms analyse data and optimise ad spend, ensuring that even limited budgets are used in the most effective way possible. This means a fairer fight in the advertising arena: companies of all sizes can now make informed decisions driven by data, not just gut feelings. 

For advertisers, this change means that success is less about who can shout the loudest and more about who can speak most directly to the customers’ needs and desires. It’s a new dawn for creativity and strategic thinking in advertising.

Implications for Today’s Advertisers

Navigating the New AI & ML Normal in Advertising

The “new normal” in advertising is a landscape where AI and ML are at the core of every strategy. For advertisers, this means rethinking traditional methods and embracing a data-driven approach. No longer can we rely solely on broad demographic targeting; it’s about understanding micro-moments and consumer intent. Personalisation is key, and AI helps by sifting through data to create individualised ad experiences at scale. 

But with every brand having access to these tools, the challenge is to add that extra layer of creativity and human insight that an algorithm can’t replicate. Advertisers must now focus on crafting stories that resonate, supported by the analytical power of AI to place those stories in front of the right people. 

Standing Out When Everyone’s Super

In the AI and ML market, relevance becomes the currency of competition. It’s no longer just about being seen; it’s about being seen by the right person at the right time with the right message. 

We illustrate this principle in action in our case study with Subito, showcasing a micro-targeting approach solely focused on the most relevant potential customers in the moments that mattered. Read more here:


As everyone gains access to superhero-like powers through AI, the true challenge is to stand out. This requires a deeper understanding of your audience, and also a tech stack to run the extra mile. 

The brands that thrive are those that use AI to enhance their unique voice rather than to blend in with the crowd. They find niches and underserved audiences, combine the analytical power of AI with strong creatives, build smarter campaigns – and cut through the noise, remaining relevant in a saturated market. 

Riding the AI & ML Wave in Advertising

Keeping pace with innovation in AI and ML isn’t just about adopting new technologies; it’s about fostering a culture that embraces change. Advertisers must be agile, ready to pivot strategies as new advancements emerge. The key to successfully riding the AI and ML wave is continuous learning and experimentation

Those who invest in understanding the nuances of AI-powered tools and integrate them seamlessly into their workflows will stay ahead. As AI and ML evolve, so too must the skill sets of marketing teams. 

This includes data literacy, analytical thinking, and a relentless focus on the customer experience. By staying inquisitive and open to the possibilities AI and ML offer, advertisers can not only keep up with the wave but also surf it to greater heights of success.